Posted by Jake Bourdeau
President John Curran opened the annual change-over meeting and Club Assembly by welcoming 48 members, 2 guests and one visiting Rotarian. He also welcomed several snowbirds back to the North: Gus Karlsen, Alan Levenson and summer-time-Portland-Rotarian, Tom Broadaway
Gracie Johnston led us in "America the Beautiful," and we pledged our allegiance to the American Flag. PP Cyrus Hagge gave the invocation, which was a fishing-centric story about a game warden, a man with a bucket, and some real special fish.     
President John gave recognition to the many Rotarians that helped clean up Fort Williams the previous Friday at our Club Service Day. More then 10 members played arborists for the day and helped clear over an estimated $2,000 worth of overgrown vegetation. Of note, PP Dick Hall brought his chain saw, and had a blast.

PP Jack Carr introduced us to the newest member of Portland Rotary: Cole Smith of Criterium-Engineers, Freeport. Congratulations, Cole! Welcome to Portland Rotary! (Photo at right L-R: PP Jack Carr and Cole Smith.)

President John also thanked the volunteers, donors, team members, and everyone that made the Maine Outdoor Challenge (MOC) a success. Diana Grandoni (photo at left) of the Boys & Girls Club (B&GC) noted that with the partnership and help of Portland Rotary, the fundraiser helped raise approximately $42,000 total, which is split between the Boys and Girls Clubs of Southern Maine and Portland Rotary. 

Mike Anderson led the raffle this week for a shot at over $600. President John pulled LR’s (PP Loretta Rowe), name out of the can. After asking Mike to hold the cards where she could see them (which he didn't), Loretta managed to pick the 5 of Hearts, rather than the targeted Queen of Hearts. Better luck next time, Loretta!