Jennifer Brennan has over 25 years of experience working on land use planning, transportation, and energy issues. Jennifer is currently Program Manager of Electrical Vehicle (EV) Initiatives at Efficiency Maine where she manages the state’s EV Accelerator rebate program and several EV charging infrastructure projects.
She is a former Director of Special Projects with the Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG) and Maine Clean Communities, where she managed their EV programs….an effort to expand Electric Vehicle infrastructure in Maine. Jennifer co-chaired Mobilize Maine’s Energy Action Team working to develop renewable energy projects with farmers, as well as created the Portland 2030 District to assist the private sector in reducing their energy usage and costs.
She is a former Deputy Director of the Governor’s Office of Energy Independence and Security under Governor Baldacci and worked for many years in the California State Legislature as a senior staffer for a State Senator and Assembly Member. Earlier in her career, Jennifer worked in Washington, D.C. at the Center for Clean Air Policy and at the Local Government Commission in Sacramento, CA. She was also an Adjunct Professor of political science at Southern Maine Community College for several years.
Jennifer has a B.A. in Communications and a Master’s Degree in Political Science from the California State University, Chico.