Posted by Dick Hall

Invocation by Past President Russ Burleigh, using the poem "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley. Somehow this turned into a Go-Patriots theme.

Gracie Johnston led the pledge, then back to Russ on the keyboard for 'God Bless America.'

President Don Zillman thanked 1st Vice President John Curran and 2nd Vice President Amy Chipman for covering the podium for him while he was traveling and trying to get his book to the editor.

President Don welcomed 48 members, 4 visiting Rotarians and 7 guests. Among our visiting Rotarians, joining us were District 7780 Past District Governor Carolyn Johnson and District 7790 Past District Governor Leni Gronros, his wife Kimberlee Graffam, as well as our speaker for the day, Kennebunk Police Chief Robert MacKenzie. We also had a few guests, one of whom was described as a “Domestic Goddess,” and another was the Portland Police Chief, Michael Sauschuck.

President Don launched into a number of thank you's. He thanked all the Portland Rotarians for their meeting service, then read letters from Lyseth School (for Joan Steinberg’s mittens) and Preble Street (for the large donation of shoes).

Our Maine Outdoor Challenge committee will meet this week at the Boys and Girls Club. Contact Past President Kris Rosado or Don Zillman if you want to join the planning group. All are welcome.

Roger Fagan announced that the 3-H team was leaving for a week in the Dominican Republic on Saturday, Jan 20. This is their 21st trip and they have 200 hearing aids, 70 water filters and 70 solar lights to distribute. They also have toothbrushes, toothpaste and other personal care products which have been donated.  A week later John Curran will bring 24 prosthetic hands to fit.

Gracie Johnston is looking for volunteers for the Preble Street dinner Wednesday, Jan 24th. The starting time is 3:30pm. Contact Gracie if you can help at:
She said that your hands, feet and heart are appreciated.

(Photo L-R: President Don Zillman,, Megan Peabody, PP Laura Young, Bruce Jones, David Ertz, Jesse Harvey and Gracie Johnston.)

We were treated to the introduction of three great new members: first - Past President Laura Young introduced Megan Peabody, a third-generation Rotarian who began Rotary involvement at age 8, raising funds for Shelterbox and continued on with Interact, Youth Exchange and Safe Passage. Bruce Jones introduced David Ertz, a semi-retired consulting engineer who has been active in other organizations, and now wants to serve through Rotary. Gracie Johnston introduced Jesse Harvey, the Founder and Director of Mission of Journey House, which operates two recovery houses in Sanford. He works as the Peer Support Coordinator for Greater Portland Health. Anyone who missed the meeting missed hearing three excellent introductions about three great new Rotarians.

President Don told us he was asked by District Governor Dave Underhill to name three recent accomplishments by the club. Don’s choices were: great new members; a wide range of service projects; and success and growth of the Veterans Appreciation Lunch.

The weekly raffle was run by Matt Tassey, who had our speaker pull Past President Dick Hall’s name from the holding vessel of entries, but Dick was bummed out when he pulled the Ace of Diamonds....and the pot continues to grow. (Photo: PP Dick Hall and Matt Tassey.)