District Governor Andy Glazier will be visiting our Club this Friday. Andy has been a Rotarian in his heart since he started hanging around the Rotary Club of Kittery in 1991. After accompanying his significant other of twenty-nine years to more Club, District and RI functions than he can count, he finally became a legitimate dues-paying member in 2012.
Professionally, Andy has served as an active and reserve officer in the Army Corps of Engineers and has a successful career managing building construction, as Glazier Builders, Ltd.
Two of Andy’s significant “Rotary ‘aha’ moments” were a 2013 District trip to Guatemala and a 2016 District trip to Cuba, where he and Pam experienced beautiful people living in extreme poverty – families who, in spite of their dire circumstances, exuded determination, cheerfulness and optimism. These were very grounding, value-restructuring experiences. Andy urges all Rotarians to take advantage of Rotary opportunities to travel to and participate in service projects in developing nations.
Pam and Andy have three adult sons and three grandchildren, dispersed about the country, which provides a perfect excuse to travel.